
2017年09月30日 二年级9.30教学及作业(30/9,Y2)

【二年级 9.16 中文课】

1)复习上节课内容;检查作业、听写“他很好”。表扬:王宇丞,李晨曦,何卓贤、Ethan Wu。(Revise last lesson、check homework、spelling, four children did well in spelling: wang shou chenng, ethan ho, sunni, ethan wu)
2)学习第二课。重点字“哪”。讲解“哪”的常用句型;以“哪”为例,学习“口字旁”。(Start Lesson2.key word: 哪,where. Learn the sentence patterns of 哪;learn new pianpang: 口(characters with 口)
(locate the UK and China on the map, talk about nationality. Explain some of us are Chinese that live in the UK. These people like most of us in the classroom, we have our root in China. Then introduce mid-autumn festival as one of the important festivals in China, the traditions of mid-autumn festival. etc.)。
4)学习关于月亮和中秋的古诗。如图。(learn a old poem of the moon and the festival)BDAE7EA4-BCF7-4EF4-B1EC-B44BD5A927F5

5)手工。做灯笼。(10 minutes crafty time, make a traditional lantern)

1)要求背诵课今天学习的古诗。(部分基础差的同学流利朗读即可)YouTube的朗读见此。(Recite the poem; or read it until fluently):

1)请督促、帮助孩子检查书包,带好写字本和笔2)到学校上课不需要携带字卡和CD,只需要课本、写字本和笔。(No needs to bring the flash card and CD to school, use them at home to practice.)
3)我们班里的纪律其中有一条是上课期间不可以上厕所,知会家长,请督促孩子课前和课间解决。(Please Remind your little ones go to toilet before lesson starts.)

祝大家中秋节快乐!happy mid-autumn festival!