
2018年02月03日 二年级Y2:3/2教学内容与作业

【二年级 2.3中文课】

1)检查作业。请同学们朗读各自写的句子、大家互相评判错误,并选出今天最好的句子。所有同学都完成了写作作业,非常好。特别表扬:张海乐、Olivia Martin。请二位同学到白板上写出自己的作业,纠正书写笔顺和结构。Homework checking. All students did the writing , well done! Special oral award to: Olivia Martin, Hayden.
Also correct the handwriting.
2)开始第九课的学习。Start lesson nine.
3)文化学习。使用PPT学习中国春节习俗。Culture learning. Use PPT to learn “All about Chinese new year” . We also watched two short videos: the story of nian, and the race(about the 12 Zodiacs.)
4)新字词:春节,年,生肖。key words: spring festival, nian, Chinese zodiac. Kids are required to know the word of their omn zodiac animal.
5)准备“春晚节目”,背诵学过的诗。prepare for the party.

1,听写:春节,年,孩子自己的生肖动物名(虎,兔,牛,猪)。spelling: spring festival, nian, his or her own zodiac animal.
2,学会一句拜年的话:“过年好”“春节好”“恭喜发财”!know one greeting for Chinese New Year.

1)请督促、帮助孩子检查书包,带好写字本和笔。please remind you child to bring two copies of book, writingbook, and pencil. 2)到学校上课不需要携带字卡和CD,只需要课本、练习册、写字本和笔。no needs to bring the CD and flash cards to school but do use them to help the learning at home.
3)我们班里的纪律其中有一条是上课期间不可以上厕所,知会家长,请督促孩子课前和课间解决。Y2 will not allowed kids go toilet during lesson. Do remind your child to do it before and in the break.