家庭作业 HOMEWORK 10/03/2018

2018年03月10日 家庭作业 HOMEWORK 10/03/2018


1. 继续进行课前的日常汉语对话复习,及着重复习了天气的词语
2. 本节课的新内容:汉语乐园教材3A第一课 学习了一年四季的汉语表达方法:春天, 夏天,秋天,冬天及学习了相关的词语 “(真)冷,热,暖和,凉快。及在课堂上和同学们一起分享了他们喜欢的季节以及他们为什么喜欢那个季节。发现同学们喜欢最多的季节是春天,其次是夏天。和同学们一起学唱了 “春天在哪里” 这首歌 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Bq7Ul7yteY. 和同学们一起阅读了1首小诗和1首儿歌:“鹅鹅鹅,曲项向天歌,白毛浮绿水,红掌拨清波。冬天来了,很冷;春天来了,很暖和;夏天来了,很热;秋天来了,凉快。
3. 汉语拼音复习了我们学过的声母和韵母并进行了拼读的练习:b p m f d t n l j q x; āáǎà ōóóǒ ēéěè īíǐì ūúǔù ǖǘǚǜ;及 ai, ei ,ui bai; mei; tui, 及新拼音的学习 ao, ou iu 四声调的练习及拼读 dao, tou, xiu

4. 新学生字 : 春天来了; 复习我们学过的生字:“年,春节好, 色,最,好,看 河,草,下,一,二,三,四,五,六,七,八,九,十,日,月,星,中国人,我不去,书在哪儿,几点,从,也,音乐,当什么,小,猫,狗,马 及学习的新的生字 “白,红,马, 山上有什么,山上有花,山下有什么,山下有草”


1. 请和家人谈论一年四季的季节,及问爸爸妈妈最喜欢什么季节,和为什么。表演 冷,热,暖和,凉快
2. 请熟读发给个人的 2篇小短诗歌(上面的2首小诗)
4. 练习写字 “春天来了”在本子上写5遍
以及练习我们学过的生字:年,春节好, 色,最,好,看 河,草,下,一,二,三,四,五,六,七,八,九,十,日,月,星,中国人,我不去,书在哪儿,几点,从,也,音乐,当什么,小,猫,狗,马 及学习的新的生字 “白,红,马, 山上有什么,山上有花,山下有什么,山下有草”

Content of this lesson:

1. review the routine Chinese dialogue : what’s your name? what day is today? what day is yesterday? what day is tomorrow? What’s the weather look like today? ect.

2. New contents: Chinese Paradise book 3A lesson 1. We have learned four seasons during the year” spring, summer autumn , winter and we also learned “very hot, very cold , warm , cool expression in Chinese. There’s a discussion about which season is your favourite and the reason? They all talked about their favourite season and the reason why. Finally, we found that the Spring is the most popular season and the Summer is the next one. They also learned the new song ” where is the spring” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Bq7Ul7yteY. We together read the 2 poems in Chinese ( please see above)

3. Chinese Pinyin (alphabet) :reviewed :b p m f d t n l j q x; āáǎà ōóóǒ ēéěè īíǐì ūúǔù ǖǘǚǜ;及 ai, ei ,ui bai; mei; tui, and learned new : ao, ou iu four tunes practice and spell it together and read: dao, tou, xiu

4. new words “春天来’ and review the previous words”年,春节好, 色,最,好,看 河,草,下,一,二,三,四,五,六,七,八,九,十,日,月,星,中国人,我不去,书在哪儿,几点,从,也,音乐,当什么,小,猫,狗,马 及学习的新的生字 “白,红,马, 山上有什么,山上有花,山下有什么,山下有草”


1. Practice new dialogue and new words learned four seasons during the year and discuss with family members “the favourite season and the reason
2. Read the handout for the 2 poems
3. write 春天来了 5 times on the paper. also please practice the old words:年,春节好, 色,最,好,看 河,草,下,一,二,三,四,五,六,七,八,九,十,日,月,星,中国人,我不去,书在哪儿,几点,从,也,音乐,当什么,小,猫,狗,马 及学习的新的生字 “白,红,马, 山上有什么,山上有花,山下有什么,山下有草”
4 Review and read the Pinyin.