二年级 5.5中文课/Y2-5/5-Chinese lesson

2018年05月05日 二年级 5.5中文课/Y2-5/5-Chinese lesson

学习内容What we did today:
1)Warm -up: 检查诗歌《山村》背诵情况。Warm-Up by reciting the poem of “Mountain village”.
2)听写。请同学到前面来写,讲解并纠正写法。Spelling and Handwriting Correction.
3)从字到词:以风、雨为例用最近学过的字组词。讲解“以来去二字表达春夏秋冬四季循环”,如“春去秋来”。To make phrases of 风、雨;Emphasize the phrase pattern of seasonal changes. “spring leaves,summer comes”.
4)开始学习第6课:颜色部分。Start lesson six, Learn the new words of color. explain the meaning of 五颜六色。
5)学习古诗《春夜喜雨》,要求在三周内背诵。learn the poem of about spring,see picture for pinyin and English. Children should be able to recite it within next 2-3weeks.
7)今日表扬:sunni, 黄凯文、Ethan Wu。Spelling & poem stars today: James Ng, Ethan Wu, sunni. 特别表扬, Special praise to Olivia Martin for the very first time she recited the poem and 100% correct in spelling!

1,听写:春天是五颜六色的。spelling this sentence.
2, 熟读古诗《春夜喜雨》。read fluently aiming at recite.


朗读视频/video of the poem: A3E78FB1-0C03-48A0-96B2-7538DAA84C69
3,完成练习册AB上第1-5课的练习题。please finish the papers of lesson one-five on workbook A&B. three days’ practice of each lesson would be acceptable.

1)感谢前来参加家长会的家长。Thanks for coming to parents meeting! Please note this is the link of one episode of Charlie and Lola: https://youtu.be/bxwXQm2TYyc, to find more, you may search by key words: 查理 劳拉。
2)请督促、帮助孩子检查书包,带好课本、写字本和笔。please remind you child to bring three book, notebook for writing, and pencil.
2)按照学校要求,现在学习新教材《中文1》。请带新书来上课。现在的课本将在三年级以后继续使用。As per required by the head of school, y2 will start learning new textbooks of 《中文1》next week. Please do bring the new books next week. If you don’t have it today, you may buy the set from Mr Chan. If your child have had the set, please pay £10 to Mr Chan.
The Kuaile Hanyu will be back in use in Y3. Keep them safe!