二年级6.16中文课/Y2-16/6 Chinese lesson

2018年06月20日 二年级6.16中文课/Y2-16/6 Chinese lesson

二年级6.16中文课/Y2-16/6 Chinese lesson

学习内容 What we leant:
1)Warm -up: 模仿第九课的内容,向全班同学介绍“我的家”,鼓励增加句子。Warm-Up by taking lesson 9 as example to introduce “My family “in Chinese to the whole class. Encouraging the kids to extend by adding other information eg. names, pets etc.
2)回顾汉字书写规则“从上到下,从左到右,先横后竖”,以“园”为例介绍“从外到里”的第四规则。revise the rules of writing Chinese characters. Introduced tye fourth rule of “out-in”by example of new word “园”。
3)听写。请同学到前面来写,讲解并纠正写法。Spelling and Handwriting Correction. 今天的听写全班9个同学听写全对,只有一个同学一个字写不出来。9 kids got 100% correction.
4)开始学习第10课。重点内容:两组反义词(前后,大小);中文的“对比”句型。Start lesson 10:2 pairs of opposites, new sentence pattern:comparing.
5)一起做课文后的综合练习。重点讲解“包”的写法;再次讲解如何比较字词。Do the practice and read aloud. Emphsie: how to write “包” , how to compare Chinese characters.

1,听写:这是我的家。spelling:5 words/ 1 sentence.
2, 完成练习册B上第10课的周三至周五的练习题。please finish the workpapers from Wed. to Fri. of lesson 10 on workbook B.
3,孩子已经报名参加YCT考试的家长,请协助准备。下节课将在课堂上做一次模拟考试。please help your kid to prepare for the coming YCT test. We will have a mock prior to the test this Saturday.

1)感谢家长对孩子学中文的支持,最近班上孩子进步明显。成绩属于每个家长!Our whole class is making noticable progress in spelling, poet and homework. A BIG Thanks to all the support that from every parents.
2)请督促、帮助孩子检查书包,带好课本、写字本和笔。please remind you child to bring three book, notebook.
3)已经报名参加YCT1考试的孩子,请下节课带上购买的复习真题集,在接下来的几周每次课会抽出20-30分钟做相关练习。不参加考试的孩子家长无需担心,复习内容会和教学内容相结合的。If you has registered for YCT1 for your child, please let the teacher know. We will prepare for YCT while doing the general revision 20-30 minutes per week.