四年级家庭作业Y4 Homework(07/07/2018)

2018年07月07日 四年级家庭作业Y4 Homework(07/07/2018)

本周特别表扬Special mention this week:
课堂表现(Class Performance): 郑美怡(Meiyi Zheng),郑亦珑 (Yilong Zheng), 何伊莉(Ellie Ho)
家庭作业 Homework:吴守信(David Wu) & 黄诚豪(Michael Lee)

教学内容 Teaching Contents (07/07/2018)
1. 期末考试!End of year examination!
2. 复习了第8课《壶盖为什么会动》的生字:壶,盖,英,科,奇,怪,气,冲,让,常,试,验,机,位;进一步解释了它们的涵义以及用法。 Revised Lesson 8 , “Why Does the Kettle Lid Move” learned characters, further explained their meanings and usages.
3. 复习了词语:科学家,时候,奇怪,还是,常常,试验,后来,发明,有名;解释了这些词的涵义和用法。 Revised Lesson 8’s words and expressions.
4. 复习了本课的重点句型:水蒸气能让壶盖动起来。 学生们在课堂上操练了这个句型。 Revised Lesson 8’s key sentence, and students practised how to use it in the class.
5. 轮流翻译了阅读《鲁班与锯子》。 Learnt Reading “Lu Ban and the Saw”, students took turns to translate the text into English.

1. 请完成练习册B上的练习题: P50,Q3; P51,Q6,7;P58, Q7;P60, Q6;P62, Q3;P63, Q6,7。 Please complete Exercise Book B’s questions: P50,Q3; P51,Q6,7;P58, Q7;P60, Q6;P62, Q3;P63, Q6,7。
2. 下个星期六上一节课后将进行期末颁奖典礼和美食节, 具体届时请留意学校大群公告! Next Saturday, we will have one lesson , then will have end of year award ceremony and Food Festival follow afterwards!