三年级作业 20-10-18

2018年10月25日 三年级作业 20-10-18

1.主要加强认字及阅读能力- 唸课文,读一读,对话 及课后阅读部分的解释
Read text, dialogue and reading section – strengthen reading and recognizing Chinese character

2.以前…… 现在…… 造句,让学生了解以前跟现在的不同,配合第二课阅读-“我长大了”
Learning sentences using “in the past………, now………” figure out the differences in between.

Learnt Lesson 3 – read and explained text

4.学习新生字 – 讲解字的结构左-右或上下,同音字,同部首
Learnt new words, also explained the structure of each word, similar sounds and radical

5.学习 “她/他是谁”的意思及回答问题
Learnt “ Who is she/he” explained the meaning and how to answer the question

6.一起做练习册A p17 看图造句子 ,主要练习时间放句首+去+地方 or时间+做+什么事
Exercise A p17 Look at picture and answer question – class exercise. This section mainly practise on “time + go + somewhere” or “time+ do something”

7.Word search 练习 –加强学生认字而不是认拼音及词汇能力
Word seach – strengthen recognizing Chinese character and Chinese phrases

1.放(fàng) 学(xué), 今(jīn) 天(tiān), 星(xīng) 期(qī) 六(liù), 下(xià) 午(wǔ), 好(hǎo) 朋(péng) 友(yǒu) – 各三次并准备听写
Each 3 write times and prepare text for next week

2.练习本A 第三课 星期一 – 三 (有关笔画部分可省略)Exercise A Lesson Monday to Wednesday (skip any counting stock section)

1.本周听写 大部分同学都全对,以Olivia Martin进步最大,另有加分句子听写,大多表现良好,以后会考虑加入听写部分 Most of students got spelling test all correct, Olivia Martin made the best progress this week –please keep up. We did dictation on a sentence this week, most of students doing very well. I will consider to do so in the future as a bonus mark.

2.Special thanks to the parents who putting all the efforts helping your child with homework. With your help, your child will learn better, build more confidence in class and also and enjoy in class. Please keep up.