三年级作业 01-12-18

2018年12月02日 三年级作业 01-12-18

课堂内容 Classwork:
1.本周听写 – 李晨曦,何卓贤,黄健明,王宇丞,王靖彤及邹晓欣五位同学全对,请其他同学再加油。现在开始字汇量及写字难度相对增高,请学生勤复习。
5 students got all correct for dictation this week, please keep up. From now on, the writing and vocabulary are getting harder and harder; please review what we have learnt in class in order to catch up. Thank you.

Finished Lesson 4, including read text, practise dialogue with partner, translates texts and practise gratitude and apology conversation

Review homework
b.词汇 – eg. 放学,告诉 ;
c.字型结构,eg. 日 + 生 – 星
4.开始第五课教学, 唸课文 及 文中词汇的讲解
Started learning lesson 5, read out text and test students understanding of vocabulary /phrases.

Reviewed test paper

作业 homework:
1.下周听写 谢(xiè)谢(xiè),对(duì)不(bu)起(qǐ),请(qǐng)问(wèn),买(mǎi)东(dōng)西(xī)- 四词语
Dictation for next week- 4 phrases

2.练习册 B 26页5 (打勾),第27页6 (填空),1 (写完整字),第28页3 (填空),第30页
Exercise B , P26 , 5 (tick the correct answer), p27, 6 (fill in blank), 1 (complete the Chinese character), P 28, 3 ( fill in blank), P30