2018年12月08日 08/12二年级中文课(Y2,08/12 Chinese)
08/12二年级中文课(Y2,08/12 Chinese)
学习内容-What Did We Do
1)Warm Up:从讨论圣诞节和圣诞礼物,进入今天的学习。Warm up by talking about Christmas and presents.
2)检查作业情况/Homework checking:
Spelling听写: 全班同学听写全对。Very Well done to all!特别表扬:杨云舒,四月,Michael。
Poem背诵:大部分同学可以背诵。 要求下周全部能够背诵,请以下同学加油:四月,Michael,沈子芳,欧亦琪。
Workbook:大部分同学都做了三天的,有几个同学做了五天的, 有几个同学一页也没有做。 Most of the class did 3 days while some did 5 days, however a couple of kids did not touch it. Parents please reminder your kids, every little help!
3)继续学习第9课Start Lesson 9。
4)小测验:利用第9课后面的综合练习做了小测验。请查看孩子书上的分数。Please have a look the practice paper after Lesson 9, there is score showing your kids’ progress.需要加油的同学:四月,丁睿涵,潘美意。欧亦琪、伟良这节课没有带课本所以没有做,家长可以安排孩子做一下,下节课老师检查。
5)继续学习新古诗new poem:
点击可见click for the poem with pinyin:带拼音的对韵歌2
《对韵歌2》朗读视频video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yXfX_HniUSE
1,听写:大家笑哈哈。spelling:5 words (1 sentence)
2,背诵《对韵歌2》 ,memorise the poem of 对韵歌2 (link above)
3,练习册A,第9课的练习题,Workbook A,Lesson 9, papers of Mon-Fri.
注意-Please Note:
1)每周2小时的中文学习时间很少,请家长协助孩子在家里也能有听说写中文的时间。thanks for your support in our Chinese learning. Please provide your child more chances at home on talking, listening, writing Chinese.推荐中文版的Peppy Pig (粉红猪), Charlie and Lola(查理和劳拉), Harry Potter (哈利波特) ,all can be found on YouTube.
2)请督促、帮助孩子检查书包,带好课本、写字本和二支笔。please remind you child to bring textbook, workbook,writing-book and 2 pencils.
3)关于练习册:每篇课文配有5份练习,按5天分配。要求至少保证做完3天的题;如果家长和孩子有时间,全部做完最好。There are allocated for Mon.-Fri. And the minimum requirement is three-day’s.
谢谢!Thank you for your support!