30/03二年级中文课(Y2,30/03 Chinese)

2019年03月30日 30/03二年级中文课(Y2,30/03 Chinese)

30/03二年级中文课(Y2,30/03 Chinese)

学习内容-What Did We Do
1, Warm-Up: 讨论季节,讨论春天的特点。Warm-up by talking about seasons and how spring is different from the other seasons.
2, 检查课文背诵情况并听写/spelling:跑跳唱笑,一起。Well done to most kids, 90% got 100% right.
3, 学习第2册第2课。Start lesson 2, book 2. 新字词/key characters: 教室、书、笔、讲、那。
4,学习新偏旁New radical:竹字头。并且复习学过的偏旁review the other radicals。
4,继续学习古诗《春晓 A Spring Morning》。Poem time. 视频/Video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RGRJUXV7tm0

1,背诵/Recite: 古诗《春晓》。See above for video.
2,练习册/Work-book: 第二册练习册B中第2课的部分练习,即周一到周三。Work-book B, Mon-Wed of Lesson 2.
3,听写/Spelling: 那是她的笔吗? 一句话/1 sentence。

家长注意Notes to parents:
1, 感谢家长前来参加家长会。希望能帮到孩子的学习。需要面谈的家长,请和白老师直接约时间。Thank you for attending the parent-meeting. I hope you find it helpful. Please feel free to talk to me whenever you want.
2, 我们已经开始使用第二册新教材,新书已经发给学生。请家长提醒孩子不要忘了书包,提前检查书包里是否有三本书、笔、笔记本,否则会非常影响孩子的学习。Please remind your child to check they have 3 books, writing-notebook, pencils before leaving for the lesson.

感谢家长支持!祝大家诸事如意!Thanks For your support! Wish everyone a pleasant spring!