11-05-19 三年级家庭作业

2019年05月14日 11-05-19 三年级家庭作业

课堂活动 Class work
1.预习YCT2基础字汇及简单的问答。打招呼,数字,颜色,日期,时间,表达数量,形容词 (eg. 大小,冷热), 身体各部位
Reviewed YCT2 basic vocabulary and conversations, including greeting, numbers, colours, date, time, amount on counting (measure words), adjectives (big, small, hot, cold), body parts

2.听写测验全班几乎全对,成绩很好大家继续加油。本次测验加入句子翻译有6位同学全对表现很好!! 借此希望同学不只会听会写还了解句子,词会的真正意思
Well done Class!! Most of the class got spelling all correct. I will ask students translate spelling phrases or sentences into Chinese in the future. In this way, students will learn not only in listening, writing but also understanding the meaning. There were 6 students can translate very well this week.

3.开始第11课,唸新课; 文学习写字,讲解单字意思,部首,字结构,同音不同声调 及多音字讲解
Read new text on Lesson 11 and learnt new vocabulary, explained meanings, word structure, radical, use single word to make sentences or to form phrases.

Video clip about Yangzi jiang and yellow river.

5.重点句 “从…..(动词) …..到”
Main learning sentence structure from Lesson 11 “ cong ……… (Verb.) ………dao” means from ……… to

家庭作业 homework
1.江(jiāng)河(hé), 古(gǔ)老(lǎo),国(guó)家(jiā),两(liǎng)条(tiáo)鱼(yú),名(míng)字(zì) ,5个词汇 下周听写
5 Spellings for next week.

2.练习册 A 星期一 – 星期三 Exercise book B Monday – Wednesday

Note: YCT2书本已可领取,请至陈先生或Shirley处领取。