18-05-19 三年级家庭作业

2019年05月21日 18-05-19 三年级家庭作业

课堂活动 Class work
1.预习YCT2基础字汇及简单的问答。加强一些疑问句的字汇, eg, 谁,哪儿, 什么, 怎么样 ….
Reviewed YCT2 basic vocabulary and conversations。This week we’ve done some questioning words, eg. who, where, what, and how.

Well done to the whole class!! No matter in Chinese writing or translating into English only 3 students got a tiny careless mistake.

learnt new vocabulary, explained meanings, word structure, formed phrases and sentences.

Learned 2 new grammar Structures
a.着 – 动词+着 = 表式动作正在进行或状态的持续, 例如;走着,想着,上着中文课
Zhe – verb + (zhen) means doing something at this moment or the status continued

b.从 ….. 到 主语 + 从 + (地方,方向) + 动词 + 到 + (地方,方向) ,一起做练习册A 79页 & 81 页
Cong …. dao – subject+ cong + (Place, direction) + verb + dao + (Place, direction) means from A to B , practised Exercise book A p79 & 81

5.课本 “读一读”- 请同学解释 并讲解不懂的词汇
Translate and read “Read aloud” section from text book

家庭作业 homework
1.最远, 双亲,唱着歌,中华 – 请利用四个词汇各造一个句子,下周听写四个词汇
Please make one sentence for each phrase, total 4 sentences. Spelling test only on 4 phrases.

2.练习册A 星期四 – 五
Exercise Book A Thursday – Friday

25/05 会开始上YCT2的内容,会给学生讲解YCT2所有词汇, 如有多余时间再模拟测验。请家长准备好YCT2 教材,如有需要请到陈先生/Shirley 处购买
We will start review YCT2 from 25/05. We will go through all the vocabulary needed for YCT2 and hopefully have enough time for YCT2 mock test. Please prepare a YCT2 book in class.