25/05二年级中文课(Y2,25/05 Chinese)

2019年05月25日 25/05二年级中文课(Y2,25/05 Chinese)

25/05二年级中文课(Y2,25/05 Chinese)

学习内容-What we learnt in brief
1, Warm-Up/预热:和老师一起写出古诗《风》并改错,wrote the poem “Wind” and make corrections wherever applies.
2, 完成学习第4课/Continue with Lesson 4, P29-31.
3,学习新偏旁:提手旁:扌/New radical: Hand radical; 重点新字/Key characters: 您,还,再,做,拉,拍;集体朗读练习册上的Read aloud.
4, 趣味听写/Fun spelling。

3,完成第4课的练习题(WorkBook B,Lesson 4, Mon-Fri)
4,学唱儿歌《找朋友》/Learn to sing, see video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7_9eZubA7X8

家长注意Notes to parents:
1, 班上有4个孩子参加YCT1的考试,请家长一定在家花时间准备。课上将会花一些时间协助准备考试。
2,因个人工作调整,白老师将暂时告别二年级,新老师已经到位。谢谢近一年来所有家长的鼎力支持,每个孩子都有各自的特点,个个都可爱,非常舍不得和他们说再见。愿他们健康成长,如愿成才。Due to personal arrangement, Ms Bai will leave the school for the time being, new teacher has arrived so there is no worries.
By saying a big thank you to all our parents for the solid supports over the past terms and the kind understanding, Ms Bai wishes the very best to all our lovely kids and all the families.