三年级家庭作业 29-06-19

2019年07月01日 三年级家庭作业 29-06-19

课堂活动 Class work
1.读一读课文。班上学生 “读”的能力进步很多,值得再次嘉奖所有同学。
Read the text on Lesson 12. Well done to everyone as they all improved a lot on reading.

Spelling test wasn’t as good as expected, only James Huang got all correct. Well done, James!! Therefore, we had to recap these words with students.

3.继续学习新生字,讲解单字意思,部首,字结构,及各字的组词。其中 “一点儿”语法上需注意。 Continued to learn new vocabulary, explained meanings, word structure, formed phrases and sentences. There are 2 ways of using “yi dian er”
a.一点儿 + 动词/形容词 —– 表示少量 我有点儿不开心。
一点儿 + verb/adjective —— means a little eg. I am a little bit unhappy.

b.动词/形容词 + 一点儿 ——-表示比较 我开心一点儿了。
Verb/adjective + 一点儿 ——– means comparison. Eg. I am happier !

4.学习重点句 “想” 用法 主词 + “想”+ Verb + 宾语 , 并一起做练习册B 第84 页 “想”的重组句子
Learnt the main grammar of “xiang”. Objective + xiang + verb + things. Using Exercise book B p84 to practise.

1.听写 – 生(shēng)日(rì)快(kuài)乐(lè), 家(jiā)务(wù)活(huó)儿(ér),游(yóu)泳(yǒng),海(hǎi)洋(yáng),放(fàng)假(jià) – 5 phrases for next week’s spellings test

2.练习册B 星期一,二 Exercise book B Monday and Tuesday
Next week the “Final Exam” please reviews lesson 1-11 all the vocabularies, the revision papers for homework 7-11 and 5 spellings on lesson 12.