
2019年10月08日 三年级家庭作业10月05日

1.说一说,请小朋友看图说故事。利用上周所学过的字 “宝”衍生出相关的单词。本周话题是 “藏宝图”。 并给小朋友说一说自己的宝物什么。
Free talk with students! Using the words we have learnt last week ( 宝 = treasure) and see what they can form new vocabulary. Our topic for was “Treasure Island”. Also, ask students do they have any treasure?

2.读课文, 再请学生逐句翻译 Read text and translate into English

3.听些测验。 Spelling test.

Checked homework from last week and explained the correct answers.

Learning new vocabulary and its meaning, radical and similar or same sound of words
a.New vocabulary 思考- to think (V),工作- work (noun), 万一 – just in case

1.三个新生词 – 思考,工作,万一 各写5遍并准备下周听写
3 new vocabulary each one write 5 times, and prepare for spelling test next week.

2.练习册A 3-49 页 Exercise Book A P.43- 49