
2019年10月13日 三年级家庭作业10月12日

课堂活动 Class work
1.唸第六课课文,读一读 并听写。 Read text on lesson 6 and did the spelling test.

2.讲解 “ 又………又……… “语法 并 请学生造句 .
Explained grammar of “ 又 …….. 又……….” – describing thing or doing something at a same time

a.又 + 动词A + 又 + 动词B – 同时做 A & B 的动作 eg. 又唱又跳
又 + verb A + 又 + verb B – doing action A & B at the same time

b.又 + 形容词 A + 又 + 形容词B – 形容东西有 A&B 的特质 eg. 又大又圆
又 + adjective + 又 +adjective – describing one thing contains 2 characters

Learned various of collective nouns ( measure words)

4.句字伸展 – “做不好” 的语法, 并请学生造句
Learned – grammar of “ 做不好“ – Verb + 不 + complements – doing the action in a negative way

5.对话练习 及 课文最后 阅读 并解释意思及 其他的量词
Speaking practise – read the rest of the conversation and text on lesson 6. Explained the meaning and found out some new measure words.

家庭作业 homework
1.造句 ; a) 用 – use b) 做事 – to do thing- c) 吃不完 – haven’t finished (eat) d) 又……..又……..
Making sentences use the following 4 vocabularies

2.练习册 A 50 -55 页 Exercise Book A P50-55

PS: 下周上课练习册A 将会由老师统一收回批改,请大家务必做好第六课作业
PS: I will take Exercise Book A back for checking next week and will return the following week. Please do your homework promptly. thank you.