2019年11月16日 三年级11月16日家庭作业
学习内容 Class Activity
Conversation: Talked about what is the date today and what day is it? What are differences between day and night.
Spelling test: 5 students got spelling all correct. Well done to them!! The rest please keep up.
3. 分组或一人一句阅读课文第九课《为什么》并回答问题,着重区别“河水”与“湖水”
Read lesson 9 main text and answer questions especially focus on the difference between lake and river.
Learn new vocabulary words – meaning, structure, pronunciation, similar or same sound of words and same word but different pronunciations
Game challenge: Using different single words to form phrases.
1、复习本周所学字、词:光- bright 、河- river、流动- float、湖-lake、飞-fly、游-swim,各写5遍,并准备下周听写。
Write 6 new words 5 times and prepare for next week’s spelling test
2、练习册A P56—P60 Exercise Book A P56-60