
2019年11月24日 三年级11月23日家庭作业

学习内容 Class Activities

1.复习及再加强已学过主题,及为未来 YCT2 的对话做准备 Review the topic that we’ve learnt, and prepare for the YCT 2 test in May

a.日期,星期的说法及写法 Date and days of the week

b.复习学生,同学,老师,朋友,家长 .. 等的新字汇 review the voc. Of students, classmate, teacher, friends and parents

c.时间的用法 – 整点,半 及分的 用法 review how to say “ What time is it now?, O’clock, half past and minutes

d.怎么样的用法 – How to make sentences use “怎么样 – how?

2.听写测验 – 这周大家都很努力几乎全对,请大家继续加油。Spelling test – Well done everyone! Please the good work up! Only 2 students got them all wrong, please catch up.

3.学习第九课 最后2个字的偏旁部首并组词、造句以及相近字、同音字、相同偏旁部首的字, 长 – 为多音字 有2 意思, 想 – 一共有四个意思
Learned last 2 new vocabulary words – these 2 words has different meanings on its own.
长 – has 2 meanings (grow and long), 想 has 4 meanings ( think, guess, plan (want to do something), and miss

4.解释第九课 读一读的意思及唸法 Explained the meanings of each words, read and made sentences using some of the them

5.复习量词的用法 reviewed measure words


1.流动- float ,光明- bright,黑夜-dark night,长大-grow up,时间-time,想家- homesick, 动脑- use brain to think 6个词各写3次并准备下周听写。6 vocabulary words write 3 times and prepare for next week spelling

2.练习册A P61—P69 Exercise book A P61-69

预计12月7日三年级将举行第一次学期测,内容包含中文第二册六 – 九课,考题包刮
We are holding the 1st term test on 7th Dec. 2019, the contents will be based on Zhong wen lesson 6-9 and will test on –

1.6-9课的重要词汇 ( 有听写,及连连看) vocabulary words of each lesson
2.量词 (measure words)
3.选字填空 (choose the right words to fill in the sentences)
4.从组句子 (shuffled sentences)
5.造句 (make sentences using the words provided)

Thank you !