Y4 四年级教学内容 09/05/2020

2020年05月09日 Y4 四年级教学内容 09/05/2020

教学内容 teaching contents

1.复习第八课生词 revises the words we have learned in lesson 8
壶(hú)盖(gài) kettle lid 茶(chá)壶(hú) teapot
英(yīng)国(guó) united kingdom 英(yīng)格(gé)兰(lán)England
科(kē)学(xué)家(jiā) scientist 学(xué)科(kē) subject
奇(qí)怪(guài) strange/weird 神(shén)奇(qí) magical 怪(guài)物(wù) monster
水(shuǐ)蒸(zhēng)气(qì) steam 生(shēng)气(qì) angry 天(tiān)气(qì) weather
冲(chōng) to go straight ahead / to rush 让(ràng) to permit / to let sb do sth 让(ràng)路(lù) give way 常(cháng)常(cháng) always / often / frequently 试(shì)验(yàn) experiment/test
机(jī) machine/engine/opportunity 蒸(zhēng)汽(qì)机(jī) steam engine 机(jī)会(huì) opportunity 手(shǒu)机(jī) mobile 位(wèi) position/location/measure word for people 座(zuò)位(wèi) seat 一位科学家
2.家庭作业检查, 长大后你想做什么?为什么?homework checking
3.新词汇 new vocabulary
造(zào) 纸(zhǐ) making paper 造(zào)句(jù) make a sentence
古(gǔ)代(dài) ancient times / olden times 一(yí)代(dài) generation
把(bǎ) particle marking the following noun as a direct object
把(bǎ)着(zhe) to hold / to grasp 把(bǎ) 手(shǒu) handle / grip / knob
竹(zhú)片(piàn) bamboo slice 方(fāng)便(biàn)convenient 便(pián)宜(yi) cheap
公(gōng)元(yuán)CE (Common Era) / Christian Era / AD (Anno Domini) 公(gōng)园(yuán) park 决(jué)心(xīn) to make up one’s mind
3. 阅读并解释第九课 蔡伦造纸 read and explained lesson 9 (beginning half part)
4. 相近字比较 compares the similar characters
造(zào)-告(gào) 纸(zhǐ)-低(dī) 元(yuán)-园(yuán) 决(jué)-快(kuài)

家庭作业 Homework
1.复习第9课的新词汇,每个写5遍 revise all the vocabulary in lesson 9, write 5
times each
2.练习册A P67 P68-3 P69-5,6,7
3.【造(zào) 告(gào) 纸(zhǐ) 低(dī) 元(yuán) 园(yuán) 决(jué) 快(kuài) 】
Use each character to make a word, and use the word to make a sentence.
4. Continue YCT3 vocabulary learning