Y4 四年级教学内容 16/05/2020

2020年05月16日 Y4 四年级教学内容 16/05/2020

教学内容 teaching contents

1.复习第九课生词 revises the words we have learned in lesson 9
造(zào) 纸(zhǐ) making paper 造(zào)句(jù) make a sentence
古(gǔ)代(dài) ancient times / olden times 一(yí)代(dài) generation
把(bǎ) particle marking the following noun as a direct object
把(bǎ)着(zhe) to hold / to grasp 把(bǎ) 手(shǒu) handle / grip / knob
竹(zhú)片(piàn) bamboo slice 方(fāng)便(biàn)convenient 便(pián)宜(yi) cheap 公(gōng)元(yuán)CE (Common Era) / Christian Era / AD (Anno Domini) 公(gōng)园(yuán) park 决(jué)心(xīn) to make up one’s mind
2. 无拼音认字 learn words without pinyin
3. 听写 spelling test 10 words
4.家庭作业检查 组词造句 homework checking – make sentences
5.新词汇 new vocabulary
树皮(shùpí) tree bark 皮肤(pífū) skin 皮(pí)包(bāo) leather bag
破(pò) 布(bù) rag 白(bái)布(bù)white cloth 花(huā)布(bù) printed cloth/floral cloth
打(dǎ) to beat / to hit / to break 打开(dǎkāi) to open 打(dǎ)破(pò) to break into pieces
晾干(liànggān) to dry 干净(gānjìng) clean 干活儿(gànhuóer) to work
之一(zhīyī) one of the 之后(zhīhòu)after/following/afterward 之中(zhīzhōng)inside /among之 literary equivalent of 的
6. 阅读并解释第九课 蔡伦造纸 read and explained lesson 9 (rest half part)
7.句式练习 sentence structure practice “是……的”

家庭作业 Homework
1.复习第9课所有的词汇,本周学的词汇每个写5遍 revise all the vocabulary in lesson 9, write new vocabulary 5 times each
2.用“是……的”造三个句 use 是……的make three sentences
3.练习册A P67 P68-3 P69-5,6,7 P70, P71-3,4 ,P72,P73,P74-4, P75-5,6, P76, P77-3 P78,P79, P80,P81,P82 Finish all by 30th of May.
4. Continue YCT3 vocabulary learning