三年级家庭作业 04-07-2020

2020年07月04日 三年级家庭作业 04-07-2020

网上课程 Online lesson

1.听写测验Spelling Test

2.检讨上周的家庭作业 – “的地得” 及 造句 Review and discuss homework from last week

Review “zhong wen 2” lesson 8-12. The lesson contains read texts, review all vocabulary words, sentence patterns of each lesson, form phases, make sentences and finally end up each lesson by playing some games.

4.说明期末考试的题型 Explain test contents

家庭作业 Homework
1.中文 (二)课本 总复习 第96页 – 101 页 zhong wen (2) Exercise from P96- 101

2.准备下周期末考 Prepare for final test next week

3.找字游戏 (自行打印 word search (self print)

Note :期末考试内容 text contents
1. 听写 dictation
2. 组词 form phrase/ word
3. 量词 measure words
4. 选自填空 fill in blank
5. 句子重组 put sentence in the right order
6. 造句/ 看图说故事 make sentences / make sentence according to the picture
1. 读一读 read a text