德福中文学校七年级PRE-GCSE 2020年11月07日

2020年11月08日 德福中文学校七年级PRE-GCSE 2020年11月07日

教学内容 teaching contents
During the half-term, You are going out. Email your friend with the details.
•where to go
•who with?
•how to get there?
•what activity
•what time you will return.
Write approximately 75 Chinese characters. Respond to every bullet point.
2. 复习所学过的词汇并进行听写
清晨(qīngchén) early morning 早晨(zǎochén) morning 长(cháng)椅(yǐ) bench 椅子(yǐzi) chair 解题(jiětí) to solve problems 理解(lǐjiě) to comprehend / to understand 讲(jiǎng)解(jiě)to explain 解(jiě)决(jué) to solve 话(huà)题(tí) topic 问(wèn)题(tí)questions 相遇(xiāngyù) to meet 相(xiāng)信(xìn) to believe 相片(xiàngpiàn) photo 照相(zhàoxiàng) take a photo 遇见(yùjiàn) to meet 不知情(bùzhīqíng) not known the situation 情(qíng)况(kuàng) situation 事情(shìqing) affair/matter/thing 以为(yǐwéi) to think / to consider 为什么(wèishénme) why
4. 自读并理解课文

家庭作业 Homework


清晨(qīngchén) 早晨(zǎochén) 长(cháng)椅(yǐ) 椅子(yǐzi) 解题(jiětí) 理解(lǐjiě) 讲(jiǎng)解(jiě) 话(huà)题(tí) 问(wèn)题(tí) 相遇(xiāngyù) 相(xiāng)信(xìn) 相片(xiàngpiàn) 照相(zhàoxiàng) 遇见(yùjiàn) 不知情(bùzhīqíng) 情(qíng)况(kuàng) 事情(shìqing) 以为(yǐwéi) 为什么(wèishénme)

My mum drove me and my friend to a local museum last weekend. Although the entry fee was very expensive, we had a good time. We had lunch at the Italian restaurant opposite the museum. I am going to start my new part-time job next Saturday.

3. 练习册A 第11课 11月28日之前做完 practice book A lesson 11( DUE ON 28/11/2020)

3.下星期听写下面的 15 个生字词 we will have a spelling test of these words next week
清晨 椅子 解题 理解 讲解 话题 问题 相遇 相信 相片 照相 遇见 情况 事情 以为