2021年02月28日 德福中文学校四年级2021年02月27日
教学内容 teaching contents
1.复习词语revise vocabulary
2. 听写 spelling test
冲出来 让路 常常 试验 蒸汽机 机会
手机 座位 蒸气 茶壶 英格兰 科学家
3.第九课新字词 new vocabulary in lesson 9
造(zào) 纸(zhǐ) making paper 造(zào)句(jù) make a sentence
古(gǔ)代(dài) ancient times / olden times 一(yí)代(dài) generation
把(bǎ) particle marking the following noun as a direct object
把(bǎ)着(zhe) to hold / to grasp 把(bǎ) 手(shǒu) handle / grip / knob
竹(zhú)片(piàn) bamboo slice 方(fāng)便(biàn)convenient 便(pián)宜(yi) cheap
正(zhèng)方(fāng)形(xíng) square 长(cháng)方(fāng)形(xíng) rectangle
方便面 instant noodle 公(gōng)元(yuán)CE (Common Era) / Christian Era / AD (Anno Domini)
公(gōng)园(yuán) park 决(jué)心(xīn) to make up one’s mind
4.阅读并解释第九课 蔡伦造纸 read and explained lesson 9 (beginning half part)
家庭作业 Homework
1.第9课新词汇(教学内容3) 每个写5遍 the vocabulary we have learned ( in teaching contents 3) , practice 5 times each.
2. 用 “把” 字翻译下面的句子 use “把” translate the following sentences
1. please put on your shoes.
2. please put your homework on my desk.
3. please do not bring your toys to school.
3.继续背诵古诗【静夜思】【登鹳雀楼】continue to recite the poems (repeat from memory)
4.练习册 A第9课 (20/03/2021之前完成)
practice book A lesson 9 (Due on 20 /03/2021)
Monday Tuesday3, 4.5.7 Wednesday
Thursday 4,5,6, 7 Friday 2,3,
5.下周听写词汇 spelling test vocabulary for next week
造(zào) 纸(zhǐ) 造(zào)句(jù) 古(gǔ)代(dài) 把(bǎ)着(zhe) 竹(zhú)片(piàn)
方(fāng)便(biàn) 便(pián)宜(yi) 公(gōng)元(yuán) 公(gōng)园(yuán) 决(jué)心(xīn)