2021-2022 Term1 W3 Pre-school 学龄前班

2021年09月26日 2021-2022 Term1 W3 Pre-school 学龄前班

Lesson content 课堂内容:
Greeting and politeness 礼貌用语:
Hello and Bye bye song你好歌
-Hello, Goodbye, Thank you, You are welcome, I am sorry, It is ok.
-Video: Greetings and politeness宝宝巴士:宝宝懂礼貌

Introduction 自我介绍:
-Teacher: Hello, my name is….What is your name?
-Student: Hello, my name is…
-老师:你好, 我的名字是。。。请问你的名字是什么

B.Knowledge / Culture 文化
-Let’s learn something about China (Try to draw a panda at the end of the session)

C.Skills 书写笔画
-Strokes / Bi Hua (撇,竖,横)

Homework 作业:

Practice Greeting Song / 你好歌:

Practice greetings 练习礼貌用语: 你好,老师好,谢谢,不客气,对不起,没关系 / Hello; Hello teacher; Thank you, You are welcome; I am sorry, It is ok.
Can use this video to pratice:

Skills 练习比划
Practice strokes / Bi Hua (撇,竖,横)

Practice Pin Yin 练习拼音: A