2021-2022 T1W5 Preschool 教学内容以及家庭作业 09102021

2021年10月09日 2021-2022 T1W5 Preschool 教学内容以及家庭作业 09102021

Revision: Contents from last week
Repeat class rules: 1. Indoor voice 2. Golden rules: Be nice, be kind 3. Raise hands before talking/asking 4. No food, toy during the class 5. When the yellow bell rings, back to the seat.

Hello Song (LittleFox: Hello) 你好歌
Video time: 宝宝巴士:有礼貌
Vocabulary: Greetings: Hello; Goodbye; Thank you; You are welcome; I am sorry; It is OK; Hello, Teacher (extra from last lesson: Hug, very good)
礼貌用语:你好,谢谢, 不客气,对不起,没关系,老师好,欢迎来我家

Strokes / Bi Hua (撇,竖,横,捺,点,提)

-Music time (Listen only): 数字歌

Plenary: Group activities: Little hunter: Teacher will write down a number, students will go around in the class room to find the number and call out the number. 小小数字猎人:老师报一个数字,学生在教室里找到相应的数字

B.Learn to write 笔画
– Learning two new Strokes / Bi Hua 学习新的笔画:横折,竖钩

C.Culture and knowledge 文化:
-Have you ever seen the Great Wall? 中国的建筑物:长城
-Story time about the Great Wall

Homework (preparation for next lesson):
– Practice greetings – will be tested at the beginning of next lesson
– Practice strokes we learnt and the song we learnt
– Practice numbers from 1 to 10