2021-2022 Term2 W5 Preschool教学内容及家庭作业(05/02/2022)

2022年02月06日 2021-2022 Term2 W5 Preschool教学内容及家庭作业(05/02/2022)

Lesson content:

Greetings: ‘你好,谢谢,不客气,对不起,没关系,再见‘
Plenary: Video time: 你好歌 / 宝宝巴士:宝宝有礼貌 (Hello song and Babybus – please see last week’s content)
Colour: 红,黄,绿
Video: 颜色歌

Group discussion: What colour is my favourite fruit?
Strokes: 横,竖,点, 撇,捺,提, 横折,竖钩, 横折勾,斜勾
Reading: 一,二,三,四,八,十,人,大,天, 手,耳
Counting and family member: Video: 手指家人,熊猫家人 (please see last week’s content)

A.Language 1 (speaking):
Opposite: 大,小 (big, small)
Group discussion: Let’s find things which are big or small in the class room
B.Skills 1 (writing):
Writing: 大,小

3.Culture to cover
元宵节 (lantern festival)
Video: 奇奇妙妙元宵节

-Practice greetings – Will be tested at the beginning of next lesson
-Practice strokes we learnt: 横,竖,点, 撇,捺,提,横折,竖钩, 横折勾,斜勾
-Practice reading and writing: 一,二,三,四,八,人, 大,天, 手,耳,大,小
-Practice colour (speaking): 红色,绿色,黄色 (red,green, yellow)

Star of the week: Boris