一年级家庭作业YEAR ONE HOMEWORK 18.06.22

2022年06月18日 一年级家庭作业YEAR ONE HOMEWORK 18.06.22


1练习:你好吗?我很好。 我是中国人。唱星期歌;口语对话:今天星期几? 今天星期六。明天星期几?明天星期日。 昨天星期几?昨天星期五 ;爸爸、妈妈、弟弟、妹妹、姐姐、哥哥在做什么?在洗澡,写作业,睡觉,吃饭,喝水,你有什么课?我有。。。。。’请问,书店,商店,车站,学校,图书馆 怎么走?左转右转, 一直走,
接下来写 句子和生字: 你好吗?我很好。这是我爸爸,那是我妈妈; 今天星期几?今天星期六。 明天,课,我有体育课,中文课,左,右,有 石 洗澡,吃饭,喝水 我家有 狗和猫
2练习: 口语练习:今天天气怎么样? 今天晴天,今天刮风,今天下雨,今天下雪
3练习写: 今天下雨,雪,风
口语练习: 今天吃的什么? 喝的什么?你吃什么?你喝什么?
写出: 吃什么?喝什么?我喝 果汁,我吃苹果,
4 你是哪国人?我是中国人;需要写出来 我是中国人:
写字: 一二三四五六七八九十
复习 上下左右歌,你有什么课
生字:房间,房子,大,小, 厨房;要求会 听说读写: 房子,房间,大小,一到十
1 课本朗读 23 页
2 练习册 31-32页 问题 1,2,3,4
3 会听说 读写 本节课的生字 房子,房间,大,小,一,二,三,四,五,六,七,八,九,十; 练习本上 写句型 3 遍: 我家房子大,我家房子小,我家有六个房间
4 练习我们本节课练习过的所有的生字 (房子,房间,大 小 今天星期几?今天星期六。 明天,今天下雨,雪,风,上下左右,有,春天来了,冷 热 , 我喝果汁,水,我吃苹果, 冰, 我是中国人,你好吗,我很好, 这是妈妈,那是爸爸,两只猫,狗,我有一只猫)
5 和家人的对话练习
Teaching content:
We reviewed the previous daily phrases and some new words that we have learned.

Exercise: How are you? I am well. I am Chinese. Sing the Sunday song; Oral dialogue: What day is it today? today is Saturday. what day is it tomorrow? Tomorrow Sunday. what day was yesterday? yesterday Friday. What is Mother, father, brother ,sister /doing ? have a bath, doing homework, sleep, have a dinner. What lesson do you have? I have math/history/Chinese/science…; MAy I ask how can I get to the library, book store, shop, supermarket; turn left, right, go straight
Write the next sentence: What day is it today? today is Saturday. tomorrow
2 Exercises: Oral practice: How is the weather today? It’s sunny today, it’s windy today, it’s raining today, it’s snowing today
3 Practice writing: It rains, snow, wind today
Down, Up, Cards, there are 4 seasons in a year: Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter (Oral practice)
Writing practice: Spring is coming, cold, hot,
Speaking Practice: What did you eat today? What are you drinking?
Write: What to eat? What to drink? I drink juice, I eat apples,
4 What country are you from? I am Chinese; need to write I am Chinese:
Writing: one two three four five six seven eight ninety
5 Exercise: How are you? I’m very good
6 Family members: This is mom, that’s dad, write this is mom, that’s dad
7 New Lesson:
Review Up, down, left and right songs, what lessons are there?
New class learning: my family is not big
New words: room, house, big, small, kitchen; required to be able to speak, read and write: house, room, size, one to ten
Sentence pattern: My house is big (small), my house has ten rooms, my house has three rooms
1 Textbook reading 23 pages
2 Workbook pages 31-32 Questions 1,2,3,4
3 Able to listen, read, write, and read the new sentences (房子,房间,大,小,一,二,三,四,五,六,七,八,九,十; 练习本上 写句型 3 遍: 我家房子大,我家房子小,我家有六个房间 ) 3 times per sentence on the exercise book: My house is big(我家的房子大) my house is small (我家的房子小)
house, room, big, small, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 in this class; write the sentence pattern 3 times in the exercise book: My house Big, my house is small, my house has six rooms
4 Practice all the new words we have practiced in this lesson ( 房子,房间,大 小 今天星期几?今天星期六。 明天,今天下雨,雪,风,上下左右,有,春天来了,冷 热 , 我喝果汁,水,我吃苹果, 冰, 我是中国人,你好吗,我很好, 这是妈妈,那是爸爸,两只猫,狗,我有一只猫 house, room, size, what day of the week today? today saturday. Tomorrow, today rain, snow, wind, up and down, left and right, yes, spring is here, hot and cold, I drink juice , water, I eat apples, ice, I’m Chinese, how are you, I’m fine, this is mom, that’s dad, two cats, dog, I have a cat)
5 Conversation practice with family members