2024年03月04日 Sevenoaks 幼儿A班 2024年3月3日 课程内容及家庭作业 — Review & Homework
We reviewed the vocabularies we learned from the last lesson and words from the flashcards, including: 高 (tall) – 矮 (short); 大 (big) – 小 (small); 长 (long) – 短 (short).
In today’s listening and speaking lesson, we learned a few more vocabularies about our bodies, including: 眼睛 (eyes), 鼻子 (nose), 嘴巴 (mouth), 耳朵 (ears), and 手 (hands). In addition, we practiced saying whole sentences, for example: 我有两只眼睛 (I have two eyes), 我有一个鼻子 (I have one nose), 我有一张嘴巴 (I have one mouth), 我有两只耳朵 (I have two ears). To make it more fun, we learned a new song called “五官歌” (five senses).
In today’s writing session, we learned a few more words: 多 (many), 少 (few), 有 (have), 手 (hand), 头 (head), 耳 (ear), 中 (middle), 小 (small).
For homework,
1. please complete the writing sheets (in their bag) as much as possible, bring back to the next lesson if possible.
2. listen and learn the new song we’ve learnt today called “五官歌”https://youtu.be/xO15hotgp1g?si=RvDe0GOtXfSMipfO
3. wordwall game to practise the words about our body. https://wordwall.net/sc/resource/69150530
4. wordwall game to practise the words about the opposite. https://wordwall.net/sc/resource/69152022