2024年03月25日 Sevenoaks 幼儿A班 2024年3月24日 课程内容及家庭作业 — Review & Homework
This week, we focused on the vocabularies we learned in the past few weeks, including body parts, family members, boys and girls, and teachers. We played word wall games, and our children were able to express themselves in Chinese, saying: “I have mum/I have dad/I have an older sister/I have a younger brother/I have grandma,” etc.
We read a story about ‘my mum’ called 《我的妈妈真麻烦》 (attached) and had a very interesting discussion about mothers and our own mothers.
As Easter is approaching, we talked about Easter animals and a Chinese classic song called “小兔子乖乖” (attached link for singing at home).
For this week’s writing, we learned five more characters: 米 (rice), 水 (water), 吃 (eat), 喝 (drink), 在 (exist). We made sentences like: 吃大米/吃饭, 喝水, 在这里/我在.
for homework:
1. singing the song 《小兔子乖乖》 https://youtu.be/M_lYcwLAZag?si=xLUvXntHjiiDFJxR
2. finish the writing sheet.
3. wordwall game: https://wordwall.net/sc/resource/69817882
4. read the story again if the children interested.