2023-2024 学前班Reception A 教学内容及家庭作业11-05-2024

2024年05月13日 2023-2024 学前班Reception A 教学内容及家庭作业11-05-2024

Vocabulary (Speaking and Listening):
Part 1 (basic knowledge)
-礼貌用语:你好,谢谢, 不客气,对不起,没关系,老师好,早上好,晚上好,晚安
Ni Hao: Hello ; Xie Xie: Thank you; Bu Ke Qi: You are welcome; Du bu qi: I am sorry; Mei Guan Xi: It is ok; Lao Shi Hao: Hello Teacher; Zao Shang Hao: Good morning; Wan Shang Hao: Good evening; Wan An: Good night
-Shapes: 圆形 Yuan Xing: Round;方形 Fang Xing: Square; 椭圆Tuo Yuan: oval, 三角形San Jiao Xing: triangle; 菱形Ling Xing: Diamond; 心形 Xin Xing: Heart;梯形 (Ti Xing)扇形(Shan Xing):Sector;六边形
-Directions: 上 Shang: Up,下 Xia: Down左 Zuo: Left,右 You: Right,前 Qian : Front,后 Hou: Back
-Colour: 红,黄,绿 ,蓝色, 橙色, 金色,银色,黑色(red, yellow, green, blue, orange, gold, silver, black)

Part 2 (advanced knowledge)
Review: 这是 zhe shi: This is; 那是 na shi: That is; 我有 wo you: I have; 你有 ni you: You have; 朋友 Peng you: Friend
Learn how to say ‘this is’ and ‘that is’ in Chinese: 这个是,那个是
Zhe shi wo de mama (This is my mum)
Zhe shi wo de wan ju (This is my toy)
Zhe Shi wo de peng you (This is my friend)
Practice: Talk about my favourite toy, characters
Reading (continue practicing the characters we have learnt): 木 Wood: Mu;床 Bed: Chuang; 门 Door: Men; 火 Fire: Huo; 灯 Light: Deng

Lesson video:

Homework (preparation for next lesson):
-Practice greetings – will be tested at the beginning of next lesson
-Complete writing homework
-Practice all words in reading, Vocabulary and new content

Recognition list:
Pupil’s name: Boris, Emily