2023年11月11日 2023年11月11日 一年级中文作业 YEAR ONE HOMEWORK
1.进行课前的日常汉语对话,句型和词组练习。(汉语乐园3A)要求同学们会认,读,听 : “今天星期几?今天星期六(一二三四五日)” 你喜欢哪个季节?春天,夏天,秋天 冬天/来了, 热,冷,凉快,暖和。今天天气怎么样?晴天,阴天,刮风,下雨,下雪。你会打网球/篮球/棒球,乒乓球?我会, 我不会
Revision : review the daily dialogue, sentences, vocabularies(Text book 3A )Request students can recognise, listen, read:
“what day is today, today is Saturday(一二三四五日)” Which season do you like?spring(warm), summer(hot), autumn(cool), winter(cold). What’s the weather look like today? ” Today is ( rain, snow, windy, sunny day, cloudy day )”“Can you swim?/play the basketball; table tennis….;yes, I can or no I can not.)
2.数数练习.(1-100) Counting(1-100)
3.汉语拼音:āáǎà ōóóǒ ēéě ī í ǐ ì ū ú ǔ ù ǖ ǘ ǚ ǜ
Review Chinese Pinyin (alphabet) :āáǎà ōóóǒ ēéě ī í ǐ ì ū ú ǔ ù ǖ ǘ ǚ ǜ
4. 本节课的新内容:汉语乐园教材3A第四课, 学习新句型:我喜欢唱歌儿,你呢?学习了新的生字“唱歌儿,跳舞,玩儿电子游戏,画画儿,看电影,听音乐。会听说读写:电 画画
New lesson: Chinese Paradise 3A lesson 4, new sentence : I like singing, how about you? Also we learned new patterns “sing, dance, play the computer game, drawing, watch the film, listen to the music, new words can be listen, read, write and speak 电 画画.
1. 和家里成员练习对话,我喜欢。。。。,你呢?
2. 阅读课文3A 第四课的课文
3. 练习写字 唱歌画电呢。
1. Practice new dialogue and new words learned “我喜欢。。。。,你呢?I like….., how about you ?
2. Read the text book :Chinese Paradise 3A lesson 4
3. Hand out 唱歌画电呢。