二年级 Y2

2019年04月28日 27/04二年级中文课(Y2,27/4 Chinese)

27/04二年级中文课(Y2,27/4 Chinese) 学习内容-What we learnt in brief 1, 复习。第一节课我们复习了第1-2课学过的生字、词组和句型。After a long break,we spend first hour to revise the characters and sentence patterns we have learnt over the past weeks. Which ended with a fun spelling test. 2, 检查写作作业。写了的同学大声读给全班同学听。有几个同学没有写,请补上。Check the "writing a letter" homework....


2019年04月06日 06/04二年级中文课(Y2,Chinese)

06/04二年级中文课(Y2,Chinese) 学习内容-What Did We Do 1, Warm-Up:接着上节课的关于季节和春天的讨论,继续讨论“你的花园有什么变化”。Warm-up by talking about seasons and what is happening in your garden. All our discussion is in Chinese or Chinese and English. 2, 检查古诗背诵情况。全班同学均可以背诵,it is great! 3, 听写/spelling:那是她的笔吗?。Well done to most kids, 95% got 100% right. ...


2019年03月30日 30/03二年级中文课(Y2,30/03 Chinese)

30/03二年级中文课(Y2,30/03 Chinese) 学习内容-What Did We Do 1, Warm-Up: 讨论季节,讨论春天的特点。Warm-up by talking about seasons and how spring is different from the other seasons. 2, 检查课文背诵情况并听写/spelling:跑跳唱笑,一起。Well done to most kids, 90% got 100% right. 3, 学习第2册第2课。Start lesson 2, book 2. 新字词/key characters: 教室、书、笔、讲、那。 4,学习新偏旁New radical:竹字头。并且复习学过的偏旁review...


2019年03月23日 23/03二年级中文课(Y2,23/03 Chinese)

23/03二年级中文课(Y2,23/03 Chinese) 学习内容-What Did We Do 1, Warm-Up: 检查课文的背诵情况,大部分同学都可以背诵了。非常好!Warm-up by reciting the text of lesson 1. Most pupil could do it! Well done to all! 2, 听写/spelling:读儿歌、学写字、写汉字。Except three pupil who missed the spelling, THE whole class got spellings correct! Well done! I am proud...


2019年03月16日 16/03二年级中文课(Y2,16/03 Chinese)

16/03二年级中文课(Y2,16/03 Chinese) 学习内容-What Did We Do 1, Warm-Up: 讨论钱,使用句型“我有钱”“我很有钱”,介绍中国钱。By talking about "money". 2, 听写/spelling:抽查听写第一册中的生字。Spelling for the characters in Book 1. 3, 学习第2册第1课。Start lesson 1 in book 2. 作业-Homework: 1,背诵第一课的课文。Recite lesson one. 2,第二册练习册A中第一课的练习,请完成周一到周三。Work-book A, Mon-Wed of Lesson one. 3,听写Spelling for 6 words: 学写字,读儿歌。下周还将继续抽查听写第一册学过的字词,不需要准备。 家长注意Notes to parents: 1, 感谢家长前来参加家长会。希望能帮到孩子的学习。需要面谈的家长,请和白老师直接约时间。Thank you for...


2019年03月13日 09/03二年级中文课(Y2,09/03 Chinese)

09/03二年级中文课(Y2,09/03 Chinese) 学习内容-What Did We Do 1, Warm-Up: 讨论周末计划。Warm-up by talking the weekend plans. 2, 本周是总复习课。复习第1册中文课本以及我们补充学习的诗词。Revision:Book 1 and the poems we learnt as extra. 作业-Homework: 1,请家长和孩子一起,朗读第一册书中的课文,识读生字。Please read the main text in each lesson in the book, review the new words we have been learning. 2,检查一下练习册A和B,完成没有完成的练习。Finish work-book...


2019年03月04日 02/03二年级中文课(Y2,02/03 Chinese)

02/03二年级中文课(Y2,02/03 Chinese) 学习内容-What Did We Do 1, Warm-Up: 讨论天气和季节。Warm-up by talking the weather and season. 2, 复习第11课。Revision:Lesson 11. 感觉这节课“认方向”对版税许多同学有难度,再次用半节课复习了识别地图上的方向和课文。It turn out that this lesson is harder for most children in the class, therefore we spend more time to revise. 3,做Work-Book B上11课的练习。 4,小测验。以课本上最后排80-84习题为考题,进行了小测验。测验时间30分钟。测验结果将在家长会和家长通报。 Test. By using...


2019年02月23日 23/02二年级中文课(Y2,23/02 Chinese)

23/02二年级中文课(Y2,23/02 Chinese) 学习内容-What Did We Do 1, Warm-Up: 我们讨论了half-term做了什么有意思的事儿。Warm-up by talking the fun memories of this half-term. 我们发现,班上80%的孩子这个half-term里做了学校的作业和爸爸妈妈给的额外的作业。80% of the students had homework from school, and from parents. 2, 完成第11课的学习。Continue with Lesson 11. 3,学习识别地图上的方向。Learn to read a map by telling the directions. 4, 做单元综合练习。To do the...


2019年02月02日 02/02二年级中文课(Y2,02/02 Chinese)

02/02二年级中文课(Y2,02/02 Chinese) 学习内容-What Did We Do 1, Warm-Up: 上课前我们一起贴对联,复习有关中国春节的重要字词。Warm-up by putting-up the couplet, and reviewing the important words and phrases for Chinese New Year. 2, 听写/Spelling。请6个同学先后到白板来写,纠正写法和结构。6 students wrote on board, correcting hand-writing & discuss how to improve. 3,开始学习第11课。Continue with Lesson 11. 第二节课我们一起庆祝中国新年 After Break we had...


2019年01月26日 26/01二年级中文课(Y2,26/01Chinese)

26/01二年级中文课(Y2,26/01Chinese) 学习内容-What Did We Do 1, Warm-Up: 我们复习朗诵了第12课的两首诗。Warm-up by reviewing the 2 poems in Lessone 12. 2, 听写/Spelling。请4个同学先后到白板来写,纠正写法和结构。4 students wrote on board, correcting hand-writing & discuss how to improve. 3,继续学习第10课。Continue with Lesson 10. 4,检查批改本课练习册上的作业。Check Lesson 10 homework on Workbook B. 5,学习新歌谣“九九歌”。Learn new poem: . 6,练习春节联欢会的朗诵表演(具体名单见“2019新年朗诵表演Y2”), preparation for the...
